2024 Semester Online Classes

Early bird discount (5% Off) through 1/5/2024 Coupon Code “2024spring“

Extra 5% discount for $800 or more tuition in one payment, Coupon Code “MULTI”

We offer 1 on 1, 1 vs 2, small group classes (3-4 students), Contact us (email: ustar@loveustar.com, wechat:ustar-wechat-pay) to schedule the trial class for 1 on 1, 1 vs 2 students classes.

ImageNameClass DateClass DayClass TimePriceBuyhf:categorieshf:att:pa_gradeshf:att:pa_teacherhf:att:pa_class-day
AOPS Precalculus 2-4small Group Mon 6:30-7:30PM CDT -15lessons-2024spring Mon 6:30-7:30PM CDT$420.00

2024-spring-class calculus math regular-classg7 g8 g9dymphnamonday
Beast Academy 2-4Small Group- 15lessons- 2024Spring $420.00

2024-spring-class beast-academy-math math regular-classg1 g2 g3 g4 g5corinne dymphna joey michael tyler josh-mfriday monday saturday sunday thursday tuesday wednesday
Creative Writing 2-4Small Group-15lessons-2024 Spring01/15-04/22/2024 $420.00

2024-spring-class english category-english-writing regular-classg1 g2 g3 g4 g5 g6 g7 g8 g9abbi amanda-j ariana-lizotte christina cristy dymphna heather heather-p richard tyrone saimafriday monday saturday sunday thursday tuesday wednesday
Gifted And Talented G1-2 2-4small Group Fri 8:00-9:00PM CDT -15lessons-2024spring Sun11:00-11:40 AM CDT$420.00

2024-spring-class regular-classg2 g4 g5 g6amanda-jwednesday
Grammar 2-4Small Group-15lessons-2024 Spring01/15-04/22/2024 $420.00

2024-spring-class english grammar regular-classg1 g2 g3 g4 g5 g6 g7 g8 g9abbi amanda-j ariana-lizotte christina cristy dymphna heather heather-p richard tyrone saimafriday monday saturday sunday thursday tuesday wednesday
MATH KANGAROO COMPETITION 2-4Small Group- 15lessons- 2024Spring $420.00

2024-spring-class math math-kangaroo-competition regular-classg1 g2 g3 g4 g5corinne dymphna joey michael tyler josh-mfriday monday saturday sunday thursday tuesday wednesday
Python L1-3 2-4small Group-15lessons-2024 spring $420.00

2024-spring-class programming python regular-classlevel-3 level-1 level-2dr-z joshuafriday monday saturday sunday thursday tuesday wednesday
Reading Club 2-4Small Group-15lessons-2024 Spring01/15-04/22/2024 $420.00

2024-spring-class english reading regular-classg1 g10 g11 g12 g2 g3 g4 g5 g6 g7 g8 g9amanda-j ariana-lizotte christina cristy dymphna heather heather-p richard tyrone saimafriday monday saturday sunday thursday tuesday wednesday
Reading Club G3 -2students-15lessons-2024 Spring 40mins$420.00

2024-spring-class english reading regular-classg1 g10 g11 g12 g2 g3 g4 g5 g6 g7 g8 g9amanda-j ariana-lizotte christina cristy dymphna heather heather-p richard tyrone saimafriday monday saturday sunday thursday tuesday wednesday
Reading Club G6 3-4Small Group-30lessons-2024 Spring3/21 50mins$850.00 $798.00

2024-spring-class english reading regular-classg1 g10 g11 g12 g2 g3 g4 g5 g6 g7 g8 g9amanda-j ariana-lizotte christina cristy dymphna heather heather-p richard tyrone saimafriday monday saturday sunday thursday tuesday wednesday
Reading Explore 2-4Small Group-15lessons-2024 Spring01/15-04/22/2024 $420.00

2024-spring-class english reading regular-classg1 g2 g3 g4 g5 g6abbi amanda-j ariana-lizotte christina cristy dymphna heather heather-p richard tyrone saimafriday monday saturday sunday thursday tuesday wednesday
SINGAPORE MATH 2-4Small Group- 15lessons- 2024Spring $420.00

2024-spring-class math regular-class singapore-mathg1 g2 g3 g4 g5corinne dymphna joey michael tyler josh-mfriday monday saturday sunday thursday tuesday wednesday
Ustar Scholastic Writing Program -Thur 7:00-8:00 PM CDT -15lessons-2024spring Thur7:00-8:00 PM CDT$420.00

2024-spring-class category-english-writing regular-class englishg7 g8 g9cristysaturday
USTAR SCIENCE SERIES ACE SCIENCE INTROE 2-4small Group -15lessons-2024 spring $420.00

2024-spring-class regular-class science-regular-classg1 g2 g3 g4 g5 g6 g7 g8 g9amanda-j dymphna heather-p samarafriday monday saturday sunday thursday tuesday wednesday
Wonders 2-4Small Group-15lessons-2024 Spring01/15-04/22/2024 $420.00

2024-spring-class english regular-class wondersg1 g2 g3 g4 g5 g6abbi amanda-j ariana-lizotte christina cristy dymphna heather heather-p richard tyrone saimafriday monday saturday sunday thursday tuesday wednesday
WORDLY WISE 3000 2-4Small Group-15lessons-2024 Spring01/15-04/22/2024 $420.00

2024-spring-class english regular-class wordly-wise-3000-englishg1 g2 g3 g4 g5 g6 g7 g8abbi amanda-j ariana-lizotte christina cristy dymphna heather heather-p richard tyrone saimafriday monday saturday sunday thursday tuesday wednesday
Write Source 2-4Small Group-15lessons-2024 Spring01/15-04/22/2024 $420.00

2024-spring-class english category-english-writing regular-classg1 g10 g11 g12 g2 g3 g4 g5 g6 g7 g8 g9amanda-j ariana-lizotte christina cristy dymphna heather heather-p richard tyrone saimafriday monday saturday sunday thursday tuesday wednesday