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Homework for 2/10



Full name: ‘Remybrine’ Adams

Relationships: Dinnerbone(cousin)

Signs of impending attack: Stacks of Wither(boss)-related items out of nowhere, signs that read JE SUIS REMYBRINE, ICH BIN EIN REMYBRINE(all means I AM REMYBRINE, might have more languages but never English),  overabundance of redstone ore,  looted minecarts w/chest, no witches spawning during a raid, witch spawn eggs not being obtainable in creative(even w/ commands),  ‘abandoned’ redstone structures, weird tunnels.

First encounter: u/CaptinTapmin, 7/14/2018

Last encounter:  u/TotmOfUndyne, SciCraft User, 1/31/2019 (50th)

Apperance: Player w/ Steve avatar but with rat head

Death message: <player/mob> was slain by Remybrine(appears for untamed ones)

Encounter result: Instant death of attacked and loss of all inventory items regardless of commands of the attacked,  5% chance of world deletion

Origin story: Unknown, suspected to be virus but not proven true

Status: Neutralized(probably for now)

World where Remybrine first appeared: 10859934737213462369705

World where Remybrine last appeared: 3047828573557210378404

Mod where Remybrine is back(download not recommended): Remybrine_MC_download.jar, made by u/RemovePillager

Note: After the initial Remybrine incident happened, muiltiple other copycat events were staged. u/CaptinTapmin has confirmed a large number of them to be false, though the remaining 7 were declared as inconclusive in reserach.