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If I was a real super hero

If I was a real super hero, I would like to be a doctor to save lives everyday and help those in need.

As a doctor I would perform important surgeries to patients and I would try my best to save them. Even though I would face bloody and disgusting sights, I would work hard to ignore them and concentrate on my task. This is an example of me performing my first surgery.

This is my first time performing a surgery on a human! The life of the patient depends on my performance. My palms were starting to sweat and my heart began to race as the nurse pushed the patient’s bed into the room. Before I started, my teacher told me the steps of the surgery again but I was too busy panicking to think. Finally, the nurses pushed a car full of tools and knives next to me. After the nurses left the room, one of my assistants handed my rubber gloves. I took one last deep breath and began. As I cut open the patient’s belly, blood oozed out. Even though I wanted to scream, I decided to move on and finish this operation. After a bloody hour of clipping and stitching I was finally finished. Joy and happiness ran over me. I finished my first surgery! I was able to follow my motto, which is to always continue and move on even though the conditions might be hard.

Hi Cindy, great work! Your writing is very detailed and I’m impressed with the way you described all your different feelings.