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Simle, Metaphor, Personification, Figurative Language, Hyperbole, and Five Senses.

Simli: This kid acts like he is a monkey.

The honey tastes like something disgusting.

Personification: As I sat on the chair, the chair stared to float into space.

Figurative Language: As the big green bushes shook rapidly, a tiny fox jumps out of the green bushes.

As tears burned my face, my mom started yelling again.

Hyperbole: Jump into the water and get a shark to eat you.

This bag weighs a ton.

Five Senses: I am bad at seeing, touching, smelling, tasting, and hearing.

I am good at seeing, touching, smelling, tasting, and hearing.

Metaphor: Rivers and tears aren’t very alike.

Her tears were a river flowing down her cheeks.

Hello Emma, I’m a little confused on the assignment you posted, did you have a chance to post your introduction and your daily 15 min. writings? Make sure you get those posted so you get a grade for this week. If you have questions on what was due, let me know. Thank you! See you in class!