Java Emerald Programming Course Outline

Beginner Level

Tuesday 8-9 PM CDT /Thursday 8-9 PM CDT /Friday 7-8 PM CDT /Sat 7-8 PM CDT /Sunday 8-9 PM CDT

Lesson 1
Emerald 1: Rock, paper, and scissors

The Java programming concepts include:
1. The Scanner class and System.out.print statements
2. variables and data types
3. if else if conditional statements
4. The for-loop structure

Lesson 2
Emerald 2: The Divergent Faction Finder Game

The Java programming concepts include:
1. The Scanner
class and System.out.print
2. variables and data types
3. if else if conditional statements
4. The while loop structure
5. The Canvas class for graphics inclusion

Lesson 3
Emerald 3: Pythagorean Calculator

The Java programming concepts include:
1. The Scanner class and System.out.print statements
2. variables and data types
3. if else if conditional statements
4. The while loop structure
5. The Canvas class for graphics inclusion
6. Math functions in Java

Lesson 4
Emerald 4: The Crypto Machine

The Java programming concepts include:
1. The Scanner class and System.out.print statements
2. variables and data types
3. if else if conditional statements
4. The do-while loop structure
5. Array lists in Java

Lesson 5
Emerald 5:  The E- art gallery

The Java programming concepts include:
1. The Scanner class and
System.out.print statements
2. variables and data types
3. if else if conditional statements
4. The do-while loop structure
5. Introduction to JFrame in
Java programming language to include GUI components and graphics

Lesson 6
Sapphire 7: Tic Tac Toe Game(Emoji Version)

The Java programming concepts include:
1. The Scanner class and System.out.print statements
2. variables and data types
3. if else if conditional statements
4. The do-while loop structure
5. Collections in Java programming language

Lesson 7
Emerald 7: Interactive Playlist

The Java programming concepts include:
1. The Scanner class and
System.out.print statements
2. variables and data types
3. if else if conditional statements
4. The do-while loop structure
5. Methods without arguments in Java
6. Including Audio controls in Java

Lesson 8
Emerald 8: Mr.Hakem´s health analyzer program

The Java programming concepts include:
1. The Scanner class and
System.out.print statements
2. variables and data types
3. if else if conditional statements
4. The do-while or while loop structure
5. IText library(API) in Java programming language to create and write pdf files
6. Arithmetic operators in Java programming language

Lesson 9
Emerald 9: The Randodecoder guessing game

The Java programming concepts include:
1. The Scanner class and System.out.print
2. variables and data types
3. if else if conditional statements
4. The while or do while loop structure
5. The random class in Java
6. Methods with arguments in Java

Lesson 10
Emerald 10: The Trigonometric Calculator

The Java programming concepts include:
1. The Scanner class and
System.out. print
2. variables and data types
3. if else if conditional statements
4. The while loop structure
5. Math functions in Java
6. Methods in Java
7. The Canvas class for graphics inclusion
8. The use of the iText library to store the results of mathematical calculations