English Writing and Reading (G2-3)-L2-13 lessons


Class Time: Every Sunday, 6:30-7:30 PM (Central time)

Class Date: 9/15/2019 -12/12/2019

Lessons: 13

Teacher: Ms. Sara

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SKU: EWG3L2SU1830PM Categories: , ,


Course Description

The 2nd grade reading curriculum focuses on understanding and developing an extensive sight word vocabulary. Applying more complex phonics strategies and continue to develop their literacy skills as they learn more complex words and absorb longer, more rigorous texts in a variety of genres including fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. The writing curriculum focuses on writing competently for many purposes, using punctuation appropriately and experiencing a variety of literary genres.

What you’ll learn?

  •  Read and comprehend a wide variety of significant works of children’s literature, including stories and poetry.
  • Students analyze the elements of narrative text, the characters, plot, and setting.
  • Students learn about rhythm, rhyme, and alliteration and how those techniques add meaning to a story or poem.
  • They compare and contrast elements within and among texts.
  • Students read and recount stories, fables, and folktales.
  • They recognize the different points of view of characters in a story and how those differences are expressed in dialogue.
  • Understand and can describe how the story is introduced in the beginning and how the action is concluded.
  • Learn to use text features, such as headings, to locate information or key facts in text.
  • Learn how to identify the main purpose of the text, including what the author wants to explain or describe.
  • Reads multisyllabic words by breaking the word into syllables and use their knowledge of prefixes and suffixes to determine the word’s meaning.

The 2nd grade Writing students writes a variety of types of texts including:

  • Opinion Pieces: Students state their opinions and provide reasons to support them, closing with a conclusion.
  • Students write about an event, describing actions, thoughts, and feelings, and provide a conclusion.
  • Generate ideas for writing including using patterns and ideas from stories
  • Write recognizable short sentences related to a main idea.
  • Begin to revise writing by expanding on an idea, using word choice with author’s voice and editing for punctuation.
  • Write in complete sentences and write with a central idea organized in a logical sequence using some descriptive words. 
  • Begin to use spacing between words, experiment with capital letters, punctuation and spelling. 
  • Write clear beginning, middle and end as well as use paragraphs to organize ideas using a variety of sentence forms.
  • Study letter writing including greeting, content and closing.
  • Continue to improve basic writing skills including proper punctuation, accurate spelling, contractions and use of the 6 Traits of Writing (voice, word choice, conventions, fluency, ideas and organization)

Lesson Breakdown (first 5 lessons sample):

Note: Each lesson has its own reading story to go with. Students are expected to always practice their reading comprehension skills with lesson objectives in mind.

1.The meaning of words

Read the story “ Going to the Movies”

Language Work: 

A: Definition: using simpler words to explain complex words
B: Context clues: determine the meaning of words using context clues.
C: Compare&Contrast writing

2.Sentences and paragraphs

Read the poem “ Don’t Give Up”

Word Bank Practice: Finding the best word to complete the sentences
Word Bank Practice for paragraphs: Finding the best words to complete the whole paragraphs.
Reflective writing: What will make you give up easily in life?

3.Identify homophones and compound words.

Read the story “ Changes”
Correct homophones and choose the right one for sentences
Compound words practice
Non-fiction writing: Describe how healing and cooling water changes it.

4. Apply knowledge of word families to recognize new words.

Read the story “Sharks”
Jumbled words
Non-fiction writing: What are the main topics and how to summarize them?

5.Identify Prefixes and Suffixes

Read the story “Dave and John Love Kayaking”
Select correct prefixes and suffixes to complete the sentences
Creative Writing: Write about an outdoor adventure you had

Class Time: Sunday 6:30-7:30 PM (central time)

Class Date: 9/15/2019 -12/12/2019

About the teacher

Ms. Sara has a wide range of experience in the education field, particularly ESL. She graduated from Towson University with a Bachelor’s in English in 2009, and received a Master’s in TESOL from Notre Dame of Maryland University in 2011. She has worked with students of diverse ages, levels, and linguistic backgrounds. She has taught English Language Arts to first and third grade students, as well as ESOL in a K-8 setting. She strives to meet the needs and strengths of each student through individualized, differentiated instruction. Currently, she is a lecturer at Towson University, and supervises student teachers at two Baltimore City elementary schools with high ELL populations.


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