Spanish III
Review subjects from Spanish II
Talk about activities you like and don’t like to do ¿Que te gusta hacer?
Expressing agreements or disagreements
Talk about personality traits: Use adjectives to describe people: ¿Como eres?
Adjectives, definitive and indefinite articles: word order
Talk about school schedules and subjects, action words.
Subject pronouns; present tense of -ar verbs
Describe places, like classroom and indicate where things are located
The verb “Estar”, plurals of nouns and articles
Talk about fooods and beverages: Breakfast, lunch and dinner
Likes and dislikes
Present tense of verb -er and -ir
Discuss food, health and exercise choices
Talk about locations in your community, discuss leisure activities
Learn how to ask questions
The verb ir.
Describe families and talk about celebrations and parties
The verb tener, ser y estar, possessive adjectives