
Level 1-3,AP

The Level 1-3 course provides student background and exposure to the basics of the Spanish language. Students will begin language development through reading, writing, speaking, and listening.

The AP course focus on vocabulary, oral skills, composition and grammar, and requires students to use Spanish for active communication.


15-20 Lessons

Spanish I

• Alphabet and vocabulary

• Feelings: How are you?

• The weather and seasons

• Numbers and questions like how old are you? How many there are? 

• Days of the week and months 

• Colors and shapes

• Family and house

• Parts of the body, clothing

• Animals and action verbs

• Food and likes/dislikes

• Verbs: basic sentence structure

Songs and story time (3-7 years old)


15-20 Lessons

Spanish II

• Review subjects from Spanish I

• Talk about your daily routine: Using reflexive verbs

• Describing homes and furniture, chores and responsibilities, hosting a party

• Tell the time: cardinal and ordinal numbers

• Sports, body parts, staying healthy

• Gender and number agreement: articles

• Talking about going on vacation.

• Noun pronouns and adjectives: sentence structure

• Regular and irregular verbs, asking simple questions

Reading comprehension



15-20 Lessons

Spanish III

Review subjects from Spanish II

Talk about activities you like and don’t like to do ¿Que te gusta hacer?

Expressing agreements or disagreements

Talk about personality traits: Use adjectives to describe people: ¿Como eres?

Adjectives, definitive and indefinite articles: word order

Talk about school schedules and subjects, action words.

Subject pronouns; present tense of -ar verbs

Describe places, like classroom and indicate where things are located

The verb “Estar”, plurals of nouns and articles

Talk about fooods and beverages: Breakfast, lunch and dinner

Likes and dislikes

Present tense of verb -er and -ir

Discuss food, health and exercise choices

Talk about locations in your community, discuss leisure activities

Learn how to ask questions

The verb ir.

Describe families and talk about celebrations and parties

The verb tener, ser y estar, possessive adjectives


30-60 lessons

The goal is to develop proficiency in the Spanish language. Students have already acquired a basic knowledge of the language and culture of Spanish speaking peoples and have developed a reasonable proficiency in listening comprehension, speaking, reading and writing. This course focus on vocabulary, oral skills, composition and grammar, and requires students to use Spanish for active communication.

Course Outline

Families and Communities
Topic 1: Customs and Values
Topic 2: Human Geography
Topic 3: Family Structure 

Science and Technology
Topic 1: Effects of Technology on Self and Society
Topic 2: Access to Technology

Contemporary Life
Topic 1: Entertainment
Topic 2: Lifestyles

To best facilitate the study of language and culture, the course is taught almost exclusively in Spanish. Students work toward building a larger reading, speaking and listening vocabulary through use of materials representative of the Spanish-speaking culture.


Course Outline

Global Challenges
Topic 1: Social Welfare
Topic 2: Philosophical Thought and Religion

Beauty and Aesthetics
Topic 1: Fashion and Design
Topic 2: Definitions of Creativity

Personal and Public Identities
Topic 1: Self-Image
Topic 2: Heroes and Historical Figures
Topic 3: Personal beliefs and Personal Interests

Fun Spanish Camp

June, July, August

Students will learn Spanish through creative visual aids, activities, interactive games, role-play, songs, puppets and practical conversations.

Course includes:
“All about me” project –Say it in Spanish: your hobbies, favorite things, what you like, sports, family, personalities and more…
Alphabet and vocabulary
Food and likes/dislikes
My family and home (descriptions-adjectives and personalities)
Colors and shapes
Daily routines, greetings and feelings
Parts of the body, clothing
Animals and action verbs
Professions and community helpers
The weather and seasons. What do you in….?
Numbers and how to read and write dates in Spanish
Basic sentence structure/gender of words
Games, songs and story time (age appropriate)
Cultural project/ art