
K-8th grade

All lessons in this thematic unit will include: Warm-up Question, Guided Reading, Vocabulary, Activity, and Assessment. Google Earth, Youtube and other platforms will be utilized to bring the students an interactive experience that assists them with the process of building English language skills while learning about the geography and history of the United States.


20 Lessons


Lesson 1. The meaning of words

Lesson 2. Sentences and paragraphs Read the poem “Summer Nights”

Lesson 3. Identify homophones and compound words.

Lesson 4. Apply knowledge of word families to recognize new words. Read the story “Apple”

Lesson 5. Identify Prefixes and Suffixes

Lesson 6. word patterns and organization of writing Read the story “Making cookies”

Lesson 7. Identify Synonyms and Antonyms

Lesson 8. Grammar Writing: nouns, verbs, and adjectives Read the story “Kayaking”

Lesson 9. Punctuation Exercises:

Lesson 10. Identify and use adjectives

Lesson 11: Context reading, Prediction writing practice: What Happened Next? 

Lesson 12: Reality VS Fantasy: What is Reality? What is Fantasy?

Lesson 13: Stretching sentences: Adding details to sentences, adjectives and adverbs writing practice

Lesson 14: Fact VS Fiction: What is Fact? What is Fiction? Lesson 

15: Fact VS Opinion reading and prompts writing practice Lesson 

16: Letter Write: Persuasive opinion writing

Lesson 17: Cause & Effect: What is the Effect?

Lesson 18: Cause & Effect: What is the Cause? 

Lesson 19: Haiku Syllables and Haiku Poem writing 

Lesson 20: Research Writing: Explore season


20 Lessons


Lesson 1. The meaning of words

Lesson 2. Sentences and paragraphs Read the poem “Don’t Give Up”

Lesson 3. Identify homophones and compound words.

Lesson 4. Apply knowledge of word families to recognize new words. Read the story “Sharks”

Lesson 5. Identify Prefixes and Suffixes

Lesson 6. word patterns and organization of writing Read the story “Dessert Time”

Lesson 7. Identify Synonyms and Antonyms Read the story “The Washing Machine Box” Synonyms and antonym crosswords practice

Lesson 8. Grammar Writing: nouns, verbs, and adjectives Read the story “Kayaking”

Lesson 9. Punctuation Exercises:

Lesson 10. Identify and use adjectives Read the story “The Coat”

Lesson 11: Context reading, Prediction writing practice: What Happened Next? Lesson 

12: Four types of Sentences & writing practice

Lesson 13: Stretching sentences: Adding details to sentences, adjectives and adverbs writing practice

Lesson 14: Plan Your Story: Sequence of Events, logical writing practice 

Lesson 15: Fact VS Opinion reading and prompts writing practice

Lesson 16: Letter Write: Persuasive opinion writing

Lesson 17: Research Writing: Animal Life cycles All Around writing practice

Lesson 18: Haiku Syllables and Haiku Poem writing

Lesson 19: Map a Story: Prompts writing practice

Lesson 20: Research Writing: Explore Nature, five senses.


20 Lessons

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Lesson 1: Context reading, Prediction writing practice: What Happened Next?

Lesson 2: Four types of Sentences & writing practice

Lesson 3: Stretching sentences: Adding details to sentences

Lesson 4: Plan Your Story: Sequence of Events, logical writing practice

Lesson 5: Fact VS Opinion reading and prompts writing practice

Lesson 6: Letter Write: Persuasive opinion writing

Lesson 7: Research Writing: Animal Life cycles All Around writing practice

Lesson 8: Haiku Syllables and Haiku Poem writing

Lesson 9: Map a Story: Prompts writing practice

Lesson 10: Research Writing: Explore Nature, five senses.

Lesson 11: Here’s What I Think: My Best… Prompts writing

Lesson 12: Analyzing story elements: Dissecting stories

Lesson 13: Information presentation: venn diagram

Lesson 14: Research writing: Holidays Around the World

Lesson 15: The Five W’s Writing Practice

Lesson 16: Informative Writing Prompts Writing

Lesson 17: Personal narrative: Beginning, Middle, End

Lesson 18: Picture Writing prompts

Lesson 19: Sensory Words Writing Prompts

Lesson 20: Thank You notes writing prompts, Creative Writing writing practice


10 Lessons


Lesson 1: Foundational Skills

Lesson 2: Morphology Madness

Lesson 3: Literary Terms

Lesson 4: Commas, Clauses and Context! Oh My! 

Lesson 5: Literal and Figurative Language

Lesson 6: Synonyms, Antonyms and Homonyms

Lesson 7: Connotation, Denotation and Alliteration

Lesson 8: Characterization Catalog

Lesson 9: Idioms and Colloquialisms

Lesson 10: Mood, Tone & Voice


10 Lessons


Lesson 1 Reading and Writing: Descriptive

Lesson 2 Reading and Writing:  Descriptive Continued

Lesson 3 Reading and Writing: Expository

Lesson 4 Reading and Writing: Expository Continued

Lesson 5 Reading and Writing: Persuasive

Lesson 6 Reading and Writing Persuasive Continued

Lesson 7 Reading and Writing: Personal Narrative

Lesson 8 Reading and Writing Personal Narrative Continued

Lesson 9 Reading and Writing: Response to Literature

Lesson 10 Final Class: Response to Literature Continued: Final Paper