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  • Profile picture of Lilly Qiao

    Lilly Qiao posted an update 6 months ago

    Catherine Xu 11/22/2023
    First I am thankful for my pet bunnies. They are always there to help me. When I get hurt and start to cry, they come out and start chasing me. I know they do not help much. One time I tripped off the stairs in my yard and my bunnies came to help. They help by playing tag with me.

    First I am thankful for my fluffy toys. They always cheer me up whenever I am ad or I get scolded by my parents. One time I did the wrong move at a figure skating competition. My parents scolded me by writing letters that were really ugly and had bad spelling. I thought they were very annoyed. So I pulled out my fluffy key-chains and I started to play.

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