Ustar 2022 Scholastic Writing Program

Over the years, the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards have grown to become the longest-running, most prestigious program for creative teens in the U.S., and the nation’s largest source of scholarships for creative young artists and writers.

The Scholastic Awards opens the door for recognition, scholarships, and more



How will Ustar help you?

highly experienced advanced
writing teachers

Meticulously graded

The real-world medal winner
essay studies

Step-by-step teacher

   Detailed explanations for every essay and writing tips


Training Breakdown:

Please note:

There are a total 10 writing categories for students to choose.

Deadline applies depending on the region students live in.

Entry fee is $7 per individual entry.

Students will have a total of 10 live zoom meeting classes + 6 detailed

offline grading. 



What students will learn in

this class:


Students will be trained
based on Scholastic Writing contests rubrics and rules. 


1st and 2nd  lessons: Teacher breaks down rubrics of each writing category and goes over award winning writings. The teacher helps students choose the fittest contest to apply based on students’ strength, interests, and writing styles at the end of 2nd class.Registration channel

3rd and 4th lessons: Teacher helps students settle down on topics and forms of writing and works with students on outlines and structures. Teacher assigns first draft.

5th lesson: offline first draft writing+teaching detailed grading (google doc) 

6th lesson: live zoom meeting (Teacher and students go over first draft with detailed guidance and edition, the teacher then assigns second draft writing)

7th: offline second draft writing+teaching detailed grading (google doc) 

8th: live zoom meeting (Teacher and students go over second draft with detailed guidance and edition, the teacher then assigns third draft writing)

9th: offline third draft writing+teaching detailed grading (google doc) 

10th: live zoom meeting (Teacher and students go over third draft with detailed guidance and edition, the teacher then assigns fourth draft writing)

11th: offline fourth draft writing+teaching detailed grading (google doc) 

12th: live zoom meeting (Teacher and students go over fourth draft with detailed guidance and edition, the teacher then assigns fifth draft writing)

13th: offline fifth draft writing+teaching detailed grading (google doc)

14th: live zoom meeting (Teacher and students go over fifth draft with detailed guidance and edition, the teacher then assigns fifth draft writing)

15th: offline sixth draft writing+teaching detailed grading (google doc)

16th:  live zoom meeting (Teacher and students go over sixth draft with detailed guidance and edition, the teacher then assigns fifth draft writing) 


Ustar Teacher Detailed Grading Samples:





Ms. Jennifer

专攻阅读、写作、语法、公开演讲、词汇课程和 ELA。 也获得了 TESOL 认证,可以教授 EFL。

Ms. Stella

-经验丰富的 K-5 英语语言艺术教师
-拥有英语学士学位和 UNC-Chapel Hill 教育硕士学位

Ms. Saima
