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Michael King Jr also know as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr was born on January 15 1929. His father was a minister. Growing up he noticed something. Black people and white people were treated differently. They could not go to the same bathrooms, movie theaters, store, or schools. The supreme court ruled that public facilities could be separate but equal. But they rarely were. Once they were shopping in a shoe store. The clerk made them go to the very back. Why? Because black people were not seen as equals  back then.

When he grew up he was outraged. But…. he was peaceful. He never hurt anyone even if they opposed him. He did many things. He gave speeches such as the I have a dream speech. He lead protests and many people join him. Not only blacks but some white people marched too. ( not all white were supported the Jim crow laws ) Sadly on April 4th 1968 he was shot and killed. But his legacy lives on. He even have a day called Martin Luther King Jr day named after him.