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Alicia Tang's Homework - Lesson 1 (resubmit)

1.Northwest Coast Cultural Region

Main geographic features thick forests of fir, spruce, and cedar; rugged mountains
Main food sources Seals, sea lions, whales, halibut, salmon, shellfish, clam, deer, moose, bear, elk, beaver, and mountain goat.
Types of homes They built their homes along narrow beaches.
Types of, and materials for, crafts and clothing Women made decorative shell buttons. Then it sewed onto their clothing with ivory needles.
Tools Sledgehammers, harpoons, wedges, stone, and wooden fences.
  1. Plateau Cultural Region
Main geographical features This region is bounded by Cascade Range to the west, the Rockies to the east, and the Fraser River to the north. The mountains here have dense forests.
Main food sources Salmon, camas, onions, and carrots.
Types of homes They would build their houses partially underground. They dug a pit and then lined it with a frame of logs. Afterwards, they covered everything with saplings, reeds, and mud.
Types of, and materials for, crafts and clothing clothing from animal hides decorated with seeds and shells
Tools Spear and fish net.
  1. Match Game
  1. (D) Culture_A people’s way of  life, including beliefs, customs, food, dwellings, and clothing
  2. (A) Migrate_ To move from one place and establish a home in a new place
  3. (B) Environment_All of the physical surroundings in a place, including land, water, animals, plants, and climate
  4. (C) Natural resource_Useful material found in nature, including water, vegetation, animals, and minerals
  5. (E) Cultural region_An area in which a group of people share a similar culture and language