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Bully Situation


If I saw a bully, what would I do?  Well morally I know what is right. Stand up to the bully.  But we all know that is not what normally happens. Kids will be like, Yes, I will stand up against a bully, but honestly, bullies will have friends and although they probably won’t hurt you physically, what they can do is pretty devastating.  Lies and verbal abuse is probably pretty common. Although I have never really seen a bully before, I could probably imagine what I would do. I would try and play it smart. I already know that going up and telling them to stop because it is bullying is a bad idea for the reasons above and also because the abuse is going to be targeting you  But…it kinda works? I mean they aren’t bullying the other person anymore right? That isn’t a desired option if you can’t do anything. I would try and get the attention on me and try and make his/her joke my joke. My second option is to become friends with the victim.

By befriending the victim, the bully would most likely stay away as they don’t have as much power.  However, if I didn’t have any friends, I would stay away from this as having only 2 people is not very effective against a bully.  So before becoming friends with the victim, I would make sure I have my own posse that can hold you back. The bully will most likely stay away and not bother the original victim.

By turning the attention on you, you now have control of the situation and can do this.  By making jokes, you can make the bully embarrassed or confused. For example, if a bully said something mean about you, then try something to make their joke your joke.  Like if the bully said something mean, then just go along with it. Your goal is to make whatever they say, more funny so everyone would now be on your side as you are now the funny one.  You don’t even need to really need to just be funny when you are getting bullied, you might be able to keep with what you are doing during school and get everyone to be your friend. Having friends will mean that you can work and make the bully unpopular.

Grade 100/100. Hi Gavin, this is very insightful! I hope you follow these effective solutions if a bullying situation ever arises.