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homework 7 by alex

Have you ever been stuck in a torrential storm? I have. While driving to Legoland in Florida, my family and I  were stuck in a devastating storm. In fact, there had been a tornado warning in the area! When we started to drive it was a sunny day, but it soon turned into a disastrous storm.

There was so much rain that it could have watered 70 trees! And the winds were so fierce that it looked like it could rip off roofs! All we could see was the blinking lights of signs and the bright headlights of other cars. After about 20 minutes we pulled into the massive parking lot. No one was there.

That experience was scary and traumatizing since I haven't seen storms that big in Texas and this one seemed to last forever, but in the end, we got through the storm. And we learned that even in the thoughest of situations, you can get through it.