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homework 9 by alex

In the book Harry Potter and the Sorcer’s stone Harry potter is brought to Hogwarts a school of magic there he meets his 2 new friends: Ron and Hermione .  They face many challenges, and learn lessons like friendship and bravery.

The first of Harry potter’s challenges is that he needs to help Nevile (another student) get back his magcial sphere back from the school bully. So he has to fly in the air to catch it before it smashes on the ground. He catches it just before it touches the ground, but got caught in the act.  So he gets taken to the teacher’s office, then the teacher is so impressed by his skills that she lets him be on their local Quiddich team.

The 2nd challenge is that the Quiddich game is coming up so they have already prepared , but Harry is still nerveos. After 20 minutes into the game Harry sees the golden Snich, and if you catch it you earn 150 points. Afterwards Harry nearly swalows the Snich but he still earns the 150 points.

The 3rd challenge is that they come across a restricted room by mistake and are forced to enter it because the caretaker will punish them if they are found.  Apparently the room was restricted for a reason. Inside lay a huge, black 3-headed dog that was asleep. They then rush out of the room; not before noticing the big wooden trapdoor that lay underneath the monster.

The final challenge is that Harry and his friends are going into the woods to help Hagrid the caretaker to track down a wounded unicorn. They walk around the woods, folowing the path when they come to a split in the road. sSo they decide to split up. They finally find the unicorn ;dead, and an onimous black-hooded figure next to it.

In the end Harry Potter defeats the evil wizard Voldemort after a 6 minute battle and gets knocked out. He awakes in the infirmary, and the principle congratulates him on his courage. Because of his achievement he helps win the end of school contest, and so they learn that bravery and courage are important.