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Homework for 1/20

I woke up with the alarm sounding at 7:45. I was late to the fossil evacuation site near East Village station and the route there to work. But this time, I was late. I had unknownly pressed the sleep button 9 TIMES. Without hesitation, I got to Horse Lake station and rode the 15 Line to Turquoise Forest Park station to transit to Line 2, then go to Wax Factory station to transit to Tram Division 1(TD1). I arrived just on time. When I got to the base, the lead researcher told me of a problem: there was an raid carried out by people during the night of 1/13. All the Tools section was stolen and it was not the first time. I went back out when I tripped over something. It was a hatch. I opened it and it led me to a secret base. Ther I saw that it was the logo of a company none other than SUPERDUPERCHEMICALBUILDS, a company that has been involved in shady deals. And I saw of a model of the surrounding area, but with one key diffrence: the fossil site was replaced with a factory. I knewwhat this meant: SUPERDUPERCHEMICALBUILDS have been bribing villages to raid on the site and in exchange be silent on the matter.

After a trial, SUPERDUPERCHEMICALBUILDS was forced to shut down due to the hefty fine that followed.