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Homework for 12/23 w/ secret message.

Use Changedaworldmyfinalmessagegoodbye_quipusedition or scorchedtodeath_quipusedition for more info.

Days passed, and there was word that a man exposed a woman for having a quipu. The thing was confiscated and burned on a bonfire. The woman was just keepig track of her llamas.

We were frantic. The patrol immediatelaly sent out a posse to see if there were any female quipu-holders out there.

When they arrived we tried to hide the quipus, but there was no benefit because we had no expertise in hiding things.

We hid them under a chair and a blanket, but the posse easliy found them.

We ended up forced to watch the quipus being thrown into the fire and the ashes being buried into the cold black ground.