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Homework for 2/7(WARNING: SUPER CREEPY)

You are currently viewing a revision titled "Homework for 2/7(WARNING: SUPER CREEPY)", saved on February 10, 2021 at 12:21 pm by Qi Qi
Homework for 2/7(WARNING: SUPER CREEPY)
THE RETURN OF REMYBRINE!!!!! (okay so this was based off of Minecraft Fan Fiction Herobrine, and one of my classmates made his profile picture that of Herobrine except that its head was that of Remy from the Disney Pixar 2007 film, and I called the thing in the picture Remybrine) 7/14/2018, gamer's room, somewhere in Midwestern US. player: time to play minecraft! what the actual heck... why do I have stacks of wither skulls? I rememberd that the last time I played, I was nowhere close to having them! player: there is a sign that reads 'JE SUIS REMYBRINE(french for I AM REMYBRINE)'---WHY IS IT IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE?! I'm in a desert!!! player: after nearly 2 hours of mining, WHY IS THERE NO LAPIS?! THAT MEANS THAT I CAN'T GET UNBRAKING III!!!! *sees Remybrine* player: HOLY COW- Remybrine: MUHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *YOU DIED! CaptinTapmin was slain by Remybrine* *player clicks respawn button* player: WHAT THE ACTUAL HECK!!! how did that remybrine thingy auto-destroy all of my items?! At least he got rid of my cobble, but I lost my Iron pickaxe!!! I'm going to post on the owner of the SMP's profile on r/minecraft about Remybrine and see more about it. *145 minutes later* player: the owner of the SMP explained that there was no entity called Remybrine at the time and to add to the mystery, I didn't die according to the SMP footage. but there is a conspicuous note made by u/Remybrine here that says 'DON'T THINK ABOUT IT'. *goes to* player: the page crashed... pretty particular. I will search him up on Google. player: seem's like he was cousin of Dinnerbone(Nathan Adams, Red-Green colorblind developer of minecraft) and known for putting signs in the middle of nowhere, but he turned inactive since 7/7/2017 . Seems like the person were dealing with. Let's email Dinnerbone about this. player: *reading email* I did, and he , Johnny, was known in the SciCraft community for building redstone(circuit block) wonders such as Witch farms, but he suffered a fracture in 2017 and had to retire from SciCraft and Minecraft. He has now recovered, but will never go back to SciCraft and Minecraft due to the admins denying his former position there. *stops* player*epilogue, 1/15/2019*: I never saw the entity again, but there were known attacks of Remybrine against the SciCraft admins. They all believed that Remybrine was real, and begged me to stop and they will reward me with $100. It could only think of one thing to say:'Let Johnny Adams back into his former position.' They listened, and now Remybrine was never seen again by anyone in the world. I have took a picture of his custom Minecraft skin, and I will show it to the audience. *shows picture* *END*

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February 10, 2021 at 6:21 pm Qi Qi