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homework10 by alex

Up is up, down is down, we are people, we live in towns. Politics are strange, and so are taxes, we also cut down trees using axes. Materials are made, and they are used, they become something like your shoes. Things are thrown away, not to stay.

We burn our trash and it turns into a gas. It rises up and gets trapped in the atmosphere. It heats up the world even here. If we don’t do something, the end is near.

This causes global warming, it destroys ice. If too much is destroyed, it wouldn’t be nice. It floods the world, damaging properties. We need to stop it because it’s not nice.

Explanation: politics are weird and we use axes to chop down trees. This turns into materials which are made into stuff. We throw them away into the trash. It then gets burned which releases gas. This gas gets trapped in the atmosphere.

When gas gets trapped in the atmosphere, it heats up the earth. It then melts ice, increasing sea level. That then sends floods outwards. If too much ice is melted, it could eventually flood the earth. And that’s why we need to stop it.