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homwork something by alex: brainsrorm

You are currently viewing a revision titled "homwork something by alex: brainsrorm", saved on November 10, 2019 at 1:51 pm by Alex Y
homwork something by alex: brainsrorm
  1. Three little pigs---work and effort pays off (chosen)
  2. A wrinkle in time---you can make a difference
  3. harry pot.1----courage can be found anywhere
  4. BFG---people can be friendly, even though others are not
  5. Matilda--you can do anything if you set your mind on it
In the story the three little pigs, the author used character description to add to the conflict and setting of the story. He does this by describing what kind of houses each pig creates, giving a glimpse of what each pig's personality is like. You can clearly see which pig is the most hard-working and which house will not be blown down by the wolf.

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November 10, 2019 at 7:51 pm Alex Y