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March 3 assignment – On a Hot Snowy Slope

On a Hot Snowy Slope

On a warm day, I went skiing! I went to a ranch in Lake Tahoe called Donner Ski Ranch. Most of the time, I had a fun enjoyable time. This is what I did there at the ski ranch.

Before I went inside the ski ranch, I saw lots of snow but of course, the snow didn’t get in the parking lot. I bet a snow blower came before everyone came to park and have fun. I heard birds chirping.  When I went in, I saw very less people. But when I dressed up and went out, I saw lots of people and lots of snow. The snow covered all the mountains. Most of the people were snowboarding and skiing. I went out into the snow and met my teacher. I learned a lot from the teacher and also, he was very nice. I did what my teacher told me to. The sun started to shine. I got hot. The sun was as hot as fire. It was humid.

I had some obstacles when learning with my teacher because the heat-ness was too hot. Sometimes, I had to take off my skies when going on the magic carpet. Putting them on was hard and I had to make sure they wouldn’t fall off.  Also, when getting off the magic carpet was hard because I kept sliding. I learned how to stop. You make a pizza shape when you want to stop. The teacher set up some cones and I had to slide around them. It was hard at first but then, it got easier.

After class, I got some free time. I got to build a snowman but it was small. It was small as a small flower. The snow tasted like water and it was super wet. The hot burning sun melted it. It turned into water. I kept going around the cones and I think it was fun. I met my other teacher when I was going up the magic carpet. Unfortunately, I was not able to go on the high slope. I stayed on the low slope Still, I had lots of fun. My whole family stayed there until I got tired and VERY hot.

Unfortunately, we had to go. Overall, the trip was fun and exciting. I got kind of sad. I hope I can go to Lake Tahoe someday.