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The Best Day Ever -Emily Mu

There’s so many things to think of when it comes to this topic! I like to go to amusement parks, shopping, museums,and so much more! But to choose one of them it might as well be going to Disneyland. We went to Disneyland on June 14, 2019. In Disneyland I went on all the rides that I wanted to go on. We actually went there in a pretty good time because there were one new ride, and a ride that didn’t open the last time we went there. I forgot the name of that one. But, the new ride was called Guardians of the Galaxy/Breakout. Those to rides were so much fun and were probably the best ones in my opinion . Of course there were many other great rides there as well. For example, Space Mountain, Space Tour, Splash Mountain , and Indiana Jones. Of course, there more rides than that. I just listed my favorites.That was the best day ever in my life so far.