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week 5 Alex’s writing homework

Why recycling is important

Don’t you ever think “Why should we recycle?” The reason for recycling is to keep on using junk like plastic or cardboard so we don’t need to throw it away. This prevents filling us dumps quickly.

However, if we didn’t recycle, trash would be flooding our oceans, killing wildlife. And we would also be knee-deep in trash because most of the dumps would have overflowed.

So by recycling a bag or two, you are actually saving a fish or two by not throwing away recyclable material. You also prevent landscapes from being turned into trash dumps.

But sometimes you can’t recycle and you are forced to throw away recyclable material, but don’t worry! Many dumps sort out the recyclables from the trash.

Some organizations go out and help clean beaches and neighborhoods by picking up the thrown away trash and plastic. You can also help by picking up the plastic in local parks and communities.

Therefore, recycling is important by saving land and wildlife while helping to reduce the amount of trash on planet Earth.