Ustar Emotional Intelligence Program

Age 3-5    Learning targets: self-regulation and empathy 

Age 6-8    Learning targets:self-regulation, empathy, and social skills

Age 9-10  Learning targets:self-awareness, social skills, motivation, sense of goals

Age 10+  Learning targets:self-awareness, social skills, motivation, self-regulation, how to work through challenges and changes 

Course Breakdown: 5 units and 20 lessons

Unit 1

Diversity and Inclusion

We will explore the importance of recognizing and appreciating one another’s similarities and differences.

L1: Getting to Know one another

L2: Discover commonalities

L3: Learning from diversity

L4:Building community

Unit  2

Empathy and Critical Thinking

We learn how to identify our emotions and identify other’s. We will also practice how to have critical thinking skills!

L1:Recognizing feelings

L2: Predicting Feelings

L3:Explaining Feelings

L4:Having Empathy

Unit  3


We will explore effective ways to communicate with others! Very practical skills included!

L1: Listening to Others

L2: Responding to Others

L3: Being assertive

L4: Review

Unit  4

Problem Solving

We will learn how to resolve conflict and disagreement. We will practice conflict-resolution steps that facilitate healthy relational patterns.

L1: Identifying problems

L2: Solving problems

L3: Cooperating

L4:Being considerate

Unit  5

Peer Relationships

We will explore positive social skills, learn the consequences of bullying , and provide peers with support.

L1: Caring for others

L2: Being inclusive

L3: Making amends and forgiving

L4:Reflecting and connecting