VEX IQ Competition Prep


The Vex IQ Competition Preparation Program aims to equip students with the skills, knowledge, and strategies required to excel in Vex IQ competitions. Through a series of hands-on activities, challenges, and practice matches, students will develop their robot construction, programming, problem-solving, and teamwork abilities.

Ustar Course Plan

Session 1: Introduction to Vex IQ Competitions

  • Overview of Vex IQ competitions and their rules
  • Introduction to the Vex IQ hardware and software
  • Discussion on competition strategies and key success factors

Session 2: Robot Construction Basics

  • Understanding the Vex IQ construction system and components
  • Building a simple base robot chassis
  • Exploring different types of mechanisms and attachments for specific game tasks

Session 3: Programming Fundamentals

  • Introduction to the Vex IQ programming environment
  • Basic programming concepts such as loops, conditionals, and variables
  • Writing code to control robot movements and perform simple tasks

Session 4: Advanced Programming Techniques

  • Exploring sensor integration and utilization for enhanced robot performance
  • Programming autonomous routines for pre-defined tasks
  • Strategies for optimizing code efficiency and reliability

Session 5: Game Analysis and Strategy

  • Analyzing the current Vex IQ competition game and its scoring elements
  • Identifying game strategies and priorities for maximizing points
  • Collaborative brainstorming and discussion on innovative approaches

Session 6: Mechanical Design Optimization

  • Fine-tuning robot construction for improved performance and efficiency
  • Exploring weight distribution, stability, and balance considerations
  • Iterative design process and prototyping for rapid improvement

Session 7: Practice Matches and Refinement

  • Conducting mock practice matches to simulate competition scenarios
  • Analyzing match performance and identifying areas for improvement
  • Iteratively refining robot design, programming, and strategy based on observations

Session 8: Teamwork and Collaboration

  • Emphasizing effective communication and coordination within teams
  • Practicing match strategies, role assignments, and time management
  • Promoting positive and supportive team dynamics

Final Session: Competition Simulation

  • Simulating a full-scale Vex IQ competition environment
  • Participating in multiple matches against other teams
  • Reflecting on the overall experience and lessons learned

Ustar VEX IQ Team size: 3-4 members per team


Competition prep training: 

(1) VEX IQ foundation training fee (12 sessions, 2 hour per session): $840 (after first class, non refundable)

(2) VEX IQ competition training fee (32 hours training, competition team registration fee included) : $1600.  

A competitive robot will be build and fine-tuned, a user control program will be programed and the robot is ready for the first competition. 

(3) Competition fee: $60 per competition event (1 customized team T-shirt included). * At least 1 competition event required. (non refundable)

(4) Competition day coach guide (Technical and Strategic Guidance on 1 tournament day) : 4 hours,  $200

(5) For the teams who prefer to compete more in the coming tournaments, they need to modify and improve the robot based on the previous tournament. Team “World Record” will start to accumulate after 3 tournaments.  Team who participate in more competitions will have more chances to level  up to the State Championship and/or World Championship. Team can choose to renew coach guide package, 15 hours, $750.

(6) Each team need buy one competition set (parts list will be provide by Ustar coach), coach will assign practice homework, team can practice after the class. 

Vex IQ Competition Prep Programs You can choose :

Every Sunday 2:00-5:00 PM

Every Sunday 5:30-7:30 PM (Foundation class)

Every Thursday 4:00-6:00 PM

Every Thursday 6:00-8:00 PM

If it’s Holiday, the meeting will be cancelled and the end time will be postponed. 

Refund Policy

Following the first training session, you have a three-day period to request a prorated refund by submitting a written document. However, it’s important to be aware that after three days from the first training session, the payment becomes non-refundable, and no further refunds will be issued.

Make-up Policy

Our training sessions are scheduled for Thursdays and Sundays. In the event that the entire team is unable to attend a training session, we provide the opportunity for a one-time make-up session or the option to extend one session, available exclusively on Thursdays or Sundays.

If individual team members are unable to participate due to personal reasons while the rest of the team attends the session, a make-up session will not be offered. However, the coach will take the time to brief the absent team member on the content covered during the missed training session.

We kindly request that you coordinate with your fellow team members if you anticipate the need to miss a class.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Payment method:


Venmo: @loveustar

Check: Ustar Education

Credit card (3% transaction fee included): click below

Foundation class: 12 lessons (24 Hours, $840)

Competition Pre class: 16 lessons (32 Hours, $1600)

Competition day coach guide (4 hours, $200)

Renew competition training package (15 hours, $750)

Notes: write student name and class enrolled when sending payment.

2023-2024 VEX IQ Competition Game Intro

VEX IQ Competition Full Volume is played on a 6’ x 8’ rectangular field configured as seen above. Two robots compete in the Teamwork Challenge as an alliance in 60 second long teamwork matches, working collaboratively to score points.

Teams also compete in the Robot Skills Challenge where one robot takes the field to score as many points as possible. These matches consist of Driving Skills Matches, which will be entirely driver controlled, and Programming Skills Matches, which will be autonomous with limited human interaction.

1340 S De Anza Blvd suite 104, San Jose, CA 95129

Office Phone Number :1 (408) 352-5488
