Summer Camp -Science G3-4 July W4 4students (07/26-07/30) Mon-Fri 12:50-1:50PM -5lessons-Candice-2021Summer


Class Time: Mon,Tue,Wed,Thur,Fri, 12:50-1:50PM

Class Date: 07/26-07/30

Lessons: 5

Teacher: Ms.Candice

4 in stock

SKU: RC-S-Candice-2021SummerCamp-1-w8 Category: Tag:


Course Brief Description:
The physical sciences involve the study of the physical world. The children learn about the properties of certain materials and discover that these properties can be observed, measured, and predicted. The Earth sciences involve the study of everything relating to the Earth. The life sciences are those which study living things.

Learning outcome (with bulletin points)
They children will learn some basics of the physical sciences, Earth sciences, life sciences. Children are encouraged to develop their curiosity about the world around them and to make observations. As they are introduced to science, children develop organized and analytical thinking as well as problem-solving skills.



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